Our barcode numbers come from the same original system as GS1 barcode numbers and can be used internationally in the vast majority of stores. Our EAN and UPC barcode numbers come with a free registration on the International Barcodes Database. Each barcode number we sell is first checked for illegal use on the internet to ensure that there are no enforcement hassles for the customer.
Buy EAN-13 (or UPC-A) barcodes suitable for use on retail products worldwide. Pay a one-off price (no future fees), and own the barcodes for life. Instant delivery by email if you buy retail barcodes from our website. Registration included for free if you buy a ‘barcode package’.
We provide a barcode registration service where we register your barcode and product information on the major internet databases. This increases the internet profile of your product and ensures that your product information appears when your barcode is scanned by cell phone app scanners such as Zebra.
South Sudan Barcodes is a member of The International Barcodes Network
This network has sold barcodes to over 40,000 clients in over 120 countries. They have international expertise and 10+ years of experience in the barcode industry.
Our barcodes are obtained through The International Barcodes Network. This means that they are accepted by more retailers internationally than any other alternative barcode supplier.